About Us – Asia Pacific
NCFI Pacific & East Asia Region
NCFI is divided into six regions. Australia is part of the Pacific and East Asia Region (PACEA) which was the first region formed in 1970. Regional conferences are held every four years. The last one in person conference was in Taiwan in 2018 , with the theme For such a time as this – Christian nursing in a troubled world and then there was a is a virtual conference held on October 28th & 29th 2022 with its theme of ”Excellence in Nursing-A Christ Centred Response, The Being and the Doing” The next one is planned for 2026 in Sydney, Australia.
In the period between conferences leaders and prospective leaders of the National NCFs meet together on zoom or in person for training and mutual encouragement.
Other member countries are Fiji, Hong Kong, Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mongolia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan.